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Medical Supply Distributor


The My Account section is your central location for all of your www.dumedical.com information. In My Account, you can check your Web Queries, have access to our advanced Shopping Tools, and set up Default Shipping Information to speedup the Checkout Process.

Web Queries
Invoices is where you can view all of your Invoices from DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED and www.dumedical.com within a specified date range. You can search for a particular Invoice by either an Invoice Number or a PO Number.

Past Purchases is where you can view all of your Past Purchases from DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED and www.dumedical.com within a specified date range. You can search for a particular Past Purchase by either an Invoice Number or an Item Code.

Open Orders is where you can view all of your Open Orders from DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED and www.dumedical.com within a specified date range. You can search for a particular Open Order by either an Order Number or a PO Number.

Open Quotes is where you can view all of your Open Quotes from DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED and www.dumedical.com within a specified date range. You can search for a particular Open Quote by either an Order Number or a PO Number.

Open A/R is where you can view all of your Open Accounts Receivable from DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED and www.dumedical.com within a specified date range.

Shopping Tools
Our Advanced Shopping Tools are designed to speedup your future returns to www.dumedical.com.
My Shopping Lists is designed for you to add items that your frequently purchase to a shopping list. Items saved in a shopping list can then be added to your cart without you having to search the site for that item. For more information on this feature, click here

Quick Order Pad allows you to add an items to your shopping cart and then checkout. Using the Quick Order Pad is easy, simply enter the Item Code and Quantity for the item that you want to purchase click the GO button and you will be taken to the Checkout Screen. For more information on this feature, click here